a - z指数

日期 in 西北 历史


一天 一年 事件
1月. 1 1910 Dr. H.K. Taylor assumed the role as the Normal School's third president.
1月. 1 1940 体育馆里的电子记分牌第一次被使用,这是1938届毕业生送的礼物.
1月. 1 1979 J.W. 琼斯, a former dean and 西北's sixth president, died at age 85.
1月. 4 1906 Frank Deerwester was selected as the institution's first president.
1月. 4 2017 西北 announced the establishment of its first-ever endowed professorship, the Dennis C. Dau Endowed Professorship in Instrumental Music, 通过500美元,000 cash gift honoring Dennis Dau, a 1970 and 1971 graduate, to support a faculty member in instrumental music.
1月. 5 1922 The Art Club was organized.
1月. 5 1943 A book drive began for servicemen and women, with librarian C. E. 负责井.
1月. 5 2011 西北 introduced Wren Baker as the University's new director of athletics. 他接替了博士。. Bob Boerigter, who left the University in 9月tember 2010 to become commissioner of the MIAA.
1月. 6 1910 The juniors had a bobsled ride.
1月. 6 1946 A morning convocation and open house honored new 西北 President Dr. J.W. 琼斯.
1月. 7 1923 Residence Hall - known today as Roberta Hall - opened; Mr. C.E. Partch, head of the industrial arts department, served as housemother for one day until Mrs. Sarah Campbell arrived on 1月. 8.
1月. 8 2010 During an All-Employee Meeting in 熊猫 Arena, 亚辛斯基校长赞扬了教职员工在2009年秋季学期所做的贡献, which included making $503,000 in voluntary budget cuts.
1月. 9 1874 在密苏里州西北部建立师范学校的第一个法案在大会上被提出.
1月. 9 1918 The Stroller and the College Oath made their first appearance in The Green and White Courier.
1月. 9 1926 The College dedicated its gymnasium, known today as 3月tindale Hall, with a basketball game between the 熊猫s and the Kansas City Athletic Club. 熊熊队以18比32输掉了比赛.
1月. 9 2006 网上赌博网站十大排行在自由市的一座改建的办公大楼中开设了堪萨斯城中心,这是该大学在玛丽维尔以外的第一个教室设施.
1月. 9 2020 网上赌博网站十大排行是全国五所被选中加入美国州立学院和大学协会(American Association of State Colleges and Universities)关注学生成功战略的试点院校之一,并得到了该法案资助的赠款的支持 & Melinda Gates Foundation.
1月. 11 1996 The 西北 密苏里州an began publishing online.
1月. 12 1925 Physical examinations started for all students.
1月. 13 1936 Famed travel writer and adventurer Richard Haliburton spoke at the college.
1月. 13 2018 西北 dedicated the Harr Athletic Success Center, 这是拉姆金活动中心低层的一个改造空间,旨在促进学生运动员的学业成功,并以哈尔家族的教育遗产命名, service and leadership at the University. Dr. 帕特里克冷雾, 一位当地医生在熊猫田径运动中担任志愿运动教练数十年,并于2013年至2019年担任校务委员会成员, serving as Board Chair from 2015 to 2019. 他的父亲, 约翰, 从1944年到1979年是西北学院的一员作为历史系的主席和返校节的主席,他的影响很大.
1月. 14 1955 About 100 alumni met in St. Joseph and organized a St. Joseph Chapter of the 西北 密苏里州 State College 校友 Association. Fred Davis '49 was elected president.
1月. 14 1971 KXCV began broadcasting.
1月. 14 1991 一条黄丝带系在纪念钟楼上,校园社区聚集在一起,呼吁和平解决波斯湾冲突. Allied forces attacked Iraq two days later, launching the Gulf War.
1月. 14 2012 For the second time in three years, 熊猫拉拉队在迪斯尼世界度假区赢得了环球拉拉队协会全国冠军.
1月. 15 1909 Ten new members were initiated into Sigma Delta Chi, a sorority organized in 1907, with 3月y Armstrong as its first president.
1月. 15 1912 Classes were canceled because the school was out of coal.
1月. 16 1930 Alfredo San-Malo, a violinist from Panama, performed a concert.
1月. 16 1960 Lamkin Gymnasium, now known as 熊猫 Arena, was dedicated.
1月. 16 2010 熊猫拉拉队在迪斯尼广阔的体育世界赢得了第一届环球拉拉队协会二级全国冠军.
1月. 16 2012 Dozens of 西北 students marked 3月tin Luther King Jr. 当天,从西北校区到诺达威县法院的台阶上举行了和平游行, where it concluded with speakers and a city proclamation.
1月. 17 1912 一件绿色的v领毛衣被送给了篮球锦标赛的获胜者:哈里·米切尔, 沃尔特•斯科特, “巴克”福尔摩斯, 汤姆·尼克松, Ray Miller and James Carpenter.
1月. 18 1996 零下40度的寒风和厚厚的积雪促使网上赌博网站十大排行自1978年以来首次因天气原因关闭校园,这是该校历史上的第三次.
1月. 19 1942 A first aid class established amid World War II met for the first time.
1月. 19 2013 For the second consecutive year and third time in four years, 网上赌博网站十大排行的拉拉队赢得了全球拉拉队协会二级全国冠军.
1月. 20 1916 Before a basketball game against Drury College in Springfield, 对方教练问师范学校的教练沃尔特·汉森,他的“战斗熊”当晚是否准备好了. Upon the team's return to 3月yville, Hanson told the story and the school adopted "熊猫s" as the name for its athletics teams.
1月. 20 1942 约翰 Hopple was the college's first combat casualty of World War II.
1月. 21 1907 五十三名师范学校的男孩和一名教师徒步前往伯灵顿枢纽,经沃巴什铁路返回,遇到了师范学校的女孩, who "tenderly escorted them up town."
1月. 22 1919 Amid the 1918-19 influenza pandemic, the Stroller called the face mask "the most efficient nose warmer possible."
1月. 22 1945 学生会投票决定为参加过第二次世界大战的学生设立一个荣誉榜.
1月. 22 1949 在丢失了几年之后,山核桃棒在总统办公室的一个保险库里被发现.
1月. 23 2019 约翰•贝尔, director of bands and orchestra and artist-in-residence at 西北, 在该组织的年会上被授予2019年密苏里音乐教育家协会杰出教育家奖.
1月. 24 1927 工作开始将图书馆从行政大楼的二楼东翼搬到一楼的健身房.
1月. 24 1941 学生中心, 熊猫窝, opened in the southeast corner rooms on the first floor of the Administration Building.
1月. 24 1944 The first electronic typewriter was added to the business equipment.
1月. 25 2004 与阿尔伯克基技术职业学院签署正式协议,使该学院的学生更容易转学到网上赌博网站十大排行.
1月. 25 2019 The Jazz Ensemble performed its program “Made in Kansas City,” a tribute to composers and performers from the Kansas City area, at the 密苏里州 Music Educators Association In-Service Workshop and Conference.
1月. 26 2012 在奥塞奇举行的密苏里音乐教育协会会议上,Madraliers合唱团是该州三所大学合唱团之一. 海滩.
1月. 26 2021 西北, 与玛丽维尔马赛克医疗中心和诺达威县卫生部合作, 举办了一系列COVID-19疫苗接种诊所中的第一个,这些诊所整个春天都在卡尔和谢丽尔·休斯菲尔德豪斯继续开展.
1月. 27 1943 Dr. 鳕鱼, the head of the physics department, 开始他的演讲, titled "Physical Basis of Music,通过在行政大楼礼堂的平台上投掷木棒来发出音乐音阶的音符.
1月. 27 1951 Bill Ogden was crowned the first Tower King; Sharlis 3月ple was queen.
1月. 28 1927 作家俱乐部是由英语系的玛蒂·戴克斯小姐创立的,当时有九名成员.
1月. 29 1916 H.L. 雷恩斯, 玛丽维尔的验光师, 成为校园篮球和足球比赛的计时员,直到1953年.
1月. 29 2015 塔合唱团在密苏里音乐教育家协会在职研讨会和会议在奥塞奇海滩表演.
1月. 29 2016 网上赌博网站十大排行和密苏里州陆军国民警卫队签署了一项协议,建立警卫军官领导力发展(GOLD)计划, a partnership that develops commissioned officers and provides a pathway to degree completion.
1月. 30 1995 The University received a newer, larger plan to replace the previous plane that had been in use for 17 years and had 6,000小时使用. 这架飞机可以供教职员工和学生参加会议.
1月. 30 2020 With concerns about COVID-19 growing globally and five cases identified in the United States, 网上赌博网站十大排行通过电子邮件通知校园社区,它正在监测病毒,并要求学生和员工采取预防措施.
1月. 31 1934 The 密苏里州 Wesleyan College building in Cameron, 密苏里州, is taken over by 西北 to be used as an extension center with the U.S. government paying the faculty for "relief work."
1月. 31 1977 Dr. B.D. 欧文斯, a 西北 alumnus and the president of the University of Tampa since 1971, 在学生会宴会厅的正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台发布会上被宣布为网上赌博网站十大排行的下一任校长.
1月. 31 1998 女篮主教练韦恩·温斯特德以92比68战胜林肯,赢得了他大学教练生涯的第300场胜利.
1月. 31 2011 A blizzard struck the Midwest and 关闭d the 西北 campus for three days.