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1月. 24, 2024


网上赌博网站十大排行校友. Carol Miller has developed a reputation during her long career as not just an impartial law teacher but a prolific researcher, 以她的名义发表了100多篇文章.


A shortened version of this story appears in the winter 2023 edition of the Northwest 校友 Magazine. View the print version of the magazine in its entirety by clicking here.

去年夏天, she added another honor to her list of achievements when she received the Distinguished Career Achievement Award presented by the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB).

“我很高兴,”卡罗尔说. “这就像我职业生涯上的樱桃.”

现在是她从教的第40个年头, she serves as a distinguished professor of business law at Missouri State University in Springfield, 她的教学和研究兴趣集中在环境法上, 宪法, 烟草管制和土地征用权. She is the only faculty member in Missouri State’s College of Business to hold the rank of distinguished professor – a rank above full professor and selected by a university-wide committee. 

She has accumulated 30 research-related awards or fellowships during her career, including ALSB’s National Excellence in Research Award in 2007 and a best article award from The Missouri Bar. 在其他奖项和荣誉中, she received the Missouri Lawyers Media Women’s Justice Award as a legal scholar in 2010. 在密苏里州, she is a recipient of its Board of Governor’s Public Affairs Award in 2019 as well as a three-time recipient of its Dean’s Research Professorship and a three-time recipient of its University Foundation Research Award.

她一直是ALSB的成员,这是一个拥有近1000名成员的协会,000 college-level teachers and scholars specializing in the law field – since 1982, 她在2012年至2013年期间担任该校校长.

“I like organizing complex concepts in a way for students to understand them and apply them to real-world situations,卡罗尔说. “I enjoy trying to find new applications of traditional legal theories.”

在教室里, her research and the way she teaches students about the legal field may be more important now than ever – particularly when it comes to environmental law, 全世界都在努力应对气候变化,并就监管展开辩论. Students laud her as a challenging instructor who is passionate about the subject matter and allows them to respectfully offer differing viewpoints.

“I have a lot of assignments because things are constantly changing,” she said. “They need to know how to look up and apply – not memorize – something that by the time they get out of school has changed.”

Dr. Carol Miller stands with a longleaf pine last summer at Lovett Pinetum in Strafford, Missouri. During her 40 years of teaching, Miller has taken a special interest in environmental law. (图片来源:Kevin White /密苏里州立大学)

Dr. Carol Miller stands with a longleaf pine last summer at Lovett Pinetum in Strafford, Missouri. During her 40 years of teaching, Miller has taken a special interest in environmental law. (图片来源:Kevin White /密苏里州立大学)

卡罗尔把她对研究的兴趣追溯到她在 霍勒斯·曼实验学校, 她在哪里读完了八年级, 还有她的一个老师, 波林亚瑟, 强调写作技巧. 除了完成一份十页的学期论文, 亚瑟指导学生保持拼写和词汇笔记本. Students regularly published a school newspaper that was inserted in The Northwest Missourian, 至少读一篇,000 pages in history-related books and wrote plays based on the books they read.

“I credit her with my writing ability more than anything else,卡罗尔说. “甚至在我上法学院的时候, 虽然我在法学院的成绩不是最好的, 当有论文要写的时候,我确实设定了曲线.”

卡萝尔是约翰博士的女儿,这也没有什么坏处. 利昂·米勒, who had an accomplished 35-year-career at Northwest that included service as chair of the 教育部门霍勒斯·曼(Horace Mann)主任,教务长,首任院长 研究生院, in addition to overseeing the state oratorical contest for nearly 30 years. 卡罗尔的母亲玛丽·贝尔·米勒也是一名教育家.

作为网上赌博网站十大排行的大一和大二学生, 卡罗尔参加过演讲比赛,还是校际辩手, 这对她在法学院的学习很有帮助. As a freshman, she won a campus-wide contest for introductory speech students.

But after two years at Northwest, Carol transferred to the University of Missouri-Columbia. She completed a legislative internship and another with the lieutenant governor’s office as a senior student while finishing her bachelor’s degree in history in 1975. 随后,她进入密苏里大学法学院学习, 1978年她在那里获得了法学博士学位, and in 1979 was a law clerk for Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice June P. 摩根,1940年网上赌博网站十大排行校友.

后来在1979年, 悲剧发生在米勒一家,卡罗尔的妹妹, 盖尔·米勒·比尔登, 1976年网上赌博网站十大排行校友, 死于车祸. Carol returned to Maryville to be with her parents and – having earned nearly enough credits toward another bachelor’s degree during her previous coursework at Northwest – completed a degree in social science at the University. 然后在那年秋天. 威廉·弗莱明, 受欢迎的美国历史讲师, died suddenly and Carol was asked to take his place in front of the classroom, which began her teaching career during the 1979-1980 academic year at Northwest.  

卡罗尔最终选择专注于法律教学, and she’s been doing it ever since – except for a year away from the classroom when she joined Strong Law Firm, 从全州49名律师中脱颖而出, to work on litigation that sued tobacco companies on behalf of the Missouri Attorney General’s Office, 一个重大案件,赔偿6美元.70亿美元的赔偿金.

Before moving to Missouri State in 1984, she taught at Indiana State University for three years. She also taught in London with the Missouri London program in 1991 and in Germany with the Magellan Program during the summer of 2016.

Today, Carol remains 关闭ly connected to Northwest and retains her parents’ home in Maryville. To uphold her support of the University, Carol and her mother established the Dr. 莱昂F. 2012年米勒研究生助学金奖. 另外, Carol and her parents established the 盖尔·米勒·比尔登 Memorial Scholarship for chemistry majors in honor of her younger sister.

“It’s especially important for me to honor my dad’s memory there,” Miller said. “奖学金对我来说非常重要, 我希望这能有所帮助, and future graduate generations have some awareness of what he did at the University.”


Dr. 马克Hornickel

